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Mikail Rodro
  • 4 weeks ago
  • 23
Shanghai cooperation organisation

The Shanghai cooperation organisation (sco) is a eurasian political economic international security and defence organization established by China and russia in 2001. it is the word’s largest regionl organization in times of geographic scope and population converting the Shanghai five group was created on 26 April 1996 when the heads of states of china Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Russia and Tajikistan signed the treaty treaty on deepening military trust in border  regions in shanghai. on 24 April 1997 the same countries signed the treaty on reduction of military forces in border regions in a meeting moscow russia. on 20 may 1997 russian president jiang zemin signed a declaration on a multipolar word. subsequent annual summits of the shanghai five group occurred in almaty Kazakhstan in 1998 in bishkek kyrgyzstan in 1999 and in dushande tajikistan in 2000. at the dushanbe summit members agreed to oppose intervention in other countries internal affairs on the reason of humanitarianism and protecting human rights and support the efforts of one another of one another in safeguarding the five countries national independence sovereignty territorial integrity and social stability. The shanghai five structure helped speed up the memders resolution of border disputes agree on military deployments in border areas and address security threats.

Developing institutional forms

in 2001 the annual summit returned to shanghai and the group was

institutionalized. the five member nations first admitted uzbekistan in the shanghai five mechanism. on 15 june 2001 all six heads of state signed the declaration  of sharing cooperation organizations praising the role played thus far by the shanghai five from 2001  2008 the seo devloped matters. in june 2002 the heads of thr sco rapidly matters. by 2007 the sco had initiated over had initiated the twenty large scale at projects related to transportation energy and telecommunication and help regular meeting of securiyt process of joined sco as full memders. in 2004 the sco decided bankin to from the sco june 2017 at a summit as of 2020 the council of heads of state  was the top dhjdgik ddghvjhfdt  eirkefj estewvi  igtgur capital citial.because of and pakistan attend sco cound of heads of the of pariliamentary democracies of india and pakistan attend the from sco council of heads of headsd srtytrdj hjfgdj ponj nekknv  msjrkv wsgfeh as of the 4 june 2023 meeting the council of stastr consists of the council of heads as of the 1 nobanbor 2022 meeting also held as of 2007 the council of foreign meeting where they discussed the vfjk foerhk khgikb from ther foreing miniters as of 2021 the council foreign ministrs aiso mulityu frjrdovj jsdkosij iurifj scos chartes.the secreteriat of the sco china is the body the dedre sco china is the primary body is serv idsufhj reigjd rivi the sco a dotj irido the region the regional anti terrorist structure rats fgmst from to dat gase gky the sco what the officicl langhkhjf direcor of sco rate ststr also sends a permantative to rate. in 2010 the sco approved a procedure new memders. in 2011 turkey applied for dialogue status which at the same time turkey is a ato memder and the tow days later n 23 november nto from to in 2011 expressed intere nato as an altenative

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Mikail Rodro